Robyns Bookshelf
Learn with me! Being a good writer is the foundation for almost every creative career path. I teach Digital Journalism and have been a freelance writer for over 20 years. Check out these recommended books I love and share and read multiple times. When you purchase one of these great books through the Amazon link I receive a commission – thanks for the interest!

- On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Paperback – June 2 2020
by Stephen King (Author) I’ve read this book several times and passed along the CD to a friend struggling to find his voice. King shares a very intimate experience and how he discovered where his creativity came from and where he could go. - Economical Writing, Third Edition: Thirty-Five Rules for Clear and Persuasive Prose Paperback
by Deirdre Nansen McCloskey (Author), Stephen T. Ziliak (Contributor). A super engaging book – the format is modern – short and snappy. 35 short and readable chapters, each one offering relevant and useful advice for a writer at any stage of their career. - Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. by Anne Lamott. I read this book after a professor suggested it might help me stay focused on my numerous papers. Its a lovely and funny dive into the strange world that writers and creators inhabit. She entertains while providing fundamental help to become the writer you need to be.
Next up are two very practical professional writing – storytelling books

Everybody Writes: Your New and Improved Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley – this is the new and improved 2022 edition with lots of updates. Ann is a great teacher, she builds your confidence and helps to set the stage for your own success. In this brand-new edition, she delivers all the practical, how-to advice and insight you need for the process and strategy of content creation, production, and publishing. Her chapters flow and you’ll find yourself enjoying the approachable and conversational tone of the book. I’ve gifted this book too many times! Time to order my own copy, click to order yours!
Here is a recent review that backs up my own claims

Dream of a life full of adventures and news assignments? If you have plans to work as a professional journalist you need to have at least one copy of the Canadian Press Stylebook. Media writers have to follow a consistent set of rules and this book is the guide to follow those rules. Some are significant and some are geared for grammar and language finer points but believe me when I say you will be judged on your knowledge of, if not adherence to, this book.
Order the 19th edition here or try and borrow one from the library – just be sure its not too old!