Robyns Bookshelf

I teach a course in Digital Journalism and have been a freelance writer for over 20 years. These are some of the books I love and share and read multiple times. When you purchase one of these great books through the Amazon link I receive a commission – thanks for the interest!

  • On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Paperback – June 2 2020
    by Stephen King (Author) I’ve read this book several times and passed along the CD to a friend struggling to find his voice. King shares a very intimate experience and how he discovered where his creativity came from and where he could go.
  • Economical Writing, Third Edition: Thirty-Five Rules for Clear and Persuasive Prose Paperback
    by Deirdre Nansen McCloskey (Author), Stephen T. Ziliak (Contributor). A super engaging book – the format is modern – short and snappy. 35 short and readable chapters, each one offering relevant and useful advice for a writer at any stage of their career.
  • Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. by Anne Lamott. I read this book after a professor suggested it might help me stay focused on my numerous papers. Its a lovely and funny dive into the strange world that writers and creators inhabit. She entertains while providing fundamental help to become the writer you need to be.